In this step we will learn how to create a course.
In the content creator we will choose courses
This screen will appear to us.
Click on add lesson
The following page will appear.
First, we choose the categories for the course (previously created in the categories) indicated by arrow number 1.
As an example, we want to add a biology course for the first year of secondary school (we will choose the main category “secondary stage”, then the sub-category “first year of secondary school”, and finally we will choose the courses category “biology”).
Secondly, we choose the name of the course teacher or lecturer.
Thirdly , we write the name of the course in the title box.
You can write a description of the course, subject, or requirements in the course description box.
Fourth, we choose the language of the lesson.
Note: Languages can be added to the lesson or course from the lesson language within the content creator.
Fifth, you can add a keyword or keywords to the course.
Sixth, the number of hours of the course or session can be determined.
Seventh, we choose the method of conducting the course. Does it include online or offline lectures, or both?
In the following picture there are some course settings
When you choose paid, this means that the entire course has been sold. We can specify the price after clicking on paid.
To sell the course by lectures or sessions, we choose by session.
When activated, a free preview video will appear at the beginning of the course, and the video link can be placed in the box.
It allows us to put a picture of the course feed, which is important to maintain the look and feel of the platform.
Available for all users must be activated for the course to appear on the platform (if it is not activated, the lecturer must send the course link directly to the student)
It is activated if there is more than one lecturer in the same course.
When activated, students will see a summary of the lecturer.
When activated, the student can download files from within the course.
Here are the rest of the settings
The level allows us to determine the level of the course, whether it is beginner or professional, etc.
We can add a crown that appears below the course, and this helps us in search engines.
Badges can help you direct dogs more, for example, we can put a badge on the course (new, exclusive, or discount, for example).
Here we choose the type of expiration period, whether it will be per day, per week, or per year.
Here we put the number of days or weeks until the course ends.
Upon activation, the student will have to fill out a form including his data before entering the course.
Upon activation, the system will automatically accept course application forms.
Select and upload a background image for the course completion certificate, if available.
Here you can specify the number of course views for students.
Here we will choose the way to display the video. If it is via the desktop, it will be protected.
Note: We may not choose and the default settings for the site will be applied.We choose the color of the course completion certificate
Finally, click Save.