Homepage data

 First, go to the control panel.  

Second: Setting up the user interface.  

Third: Home page data  

After clicking on the home page data, a new screen appears    

As shown in Figure (1), (2) 

Inserting image... 

Figure (1) 


Figure (2) 

After that, we add the data from the top of the screen.  

Main title of the main page, subtitle of the main page, brief summary of the main page ) 

After that, ( gains ) are the data that appears in the slider.  

Then the rest of the data such as ( adding the title background, the main title for teachers, the sub-title for teachers ) 

After that, I have ( Teacher Section ) in which we add the names of the teachers.  

After that, we add the text and text statistics and complete the rest of the data.  

Then activate what we want to be on the home page and then click ( Save )  

After that, all this data appears on the home page

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